Our customers can always rely on Geneza`s custom capabilities to provide them with the highest quality instrumentation and temperature/humidity probes for their application, at very competitive price and within a very impressive delivery time.
Specifically, we offer:
Pt-100 and Pt-1000 platinum temperature probes
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Rejestratory ciśnienia atmosferycznego
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temperature and relative humidity measurements products
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projecting, designing and manufacturing sensors, probes and transmitters for high
technology industry, universities, agriculture, pharmacy and food industry
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temperature, humidity and barometric pressure microprocessor and PC based
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research and development in electronics, sensor and probes
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representation foreign companies on the Polish market
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Also, due to our experience and our laboratory equipment we have been registered at the Regional Kraków Branch of the National Measurement Office as traceable to the national and international standards. All tests are documented on the official certificates of the traceability. Most of our clients have ISO-9000, HACCP or even GMP certificates.
If you need further details, please do not hesitate to call or write us.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Bogusław Herod,
Company data
NIP: 678 002 64 19
KRS: 0000111110 Sąd Rejonowy Kraków-Śródmieście Wydział XI Gospodarczy,
KZ: 53 500 PLN
Rok założenia 1990
Contact data
ul. Kopaniec 10 A
31-979 Kraków